Monday, March 7, 2016

Arguing, Compromise, and Civility in America

What hell has happened to our society? Why is it that we can't compromise anymore? Anne Applebaum wrote an article called This is How the West Ends, where she states that Western civilization is two or three bad elections from destroying itself. Why because we are electing leaders that are too extreme. Just look at our presidential candidates, there are leaders that are too conservative or too liberal in ideals, such leaders would make it impossible for any government to run effectively. At one point in history, political leaders of both Republican and Democratic parties would get together and compromise on a decision for the nation. Both sides would leave unhappy but with something they wanted. Our leaders no longer do that, they refuse to meet halfway for anything. So now instead of political debates, we just have name calling and mud slinging.

The same can be said of religion, "my god is real and your isn't. Join my religion or burn in hell" seems to be the attitude of the masses. The First Amendment gives us freedom of religion, which means you can follow whatever religion you want. Sadly, due to the fact that there are those who believe their religion is true, they should force people to worship theirs. And no, I'm not talking about ISIS. I'm talking about those who want to make Christianity the United States national religion, turning our democracy into a theocracy. Ladies and gentlemen if there is a national religion, then you cannot truly have religious freedom. Second of all, if Christianity was made the national religion, which denomination would it be? After all, there are literally thousands of denominations of Christianity alone, which is the right way to worship God? Would you really want the Westboro Baptist Church to be the America's national religion?

Now who is to blame for this trend of extreme beliefs? All of us because we cannot meet half way with people differ from our own beliefs. People no longer can accept that someone else has a different opinion, it's now "I'm right, and they're wrong," and this is the attitude for politics to religion to everything in between. No longer can two people discuss something politely, they have to resort to name calling and slurs racial, homophobic, or xenophobic. Just look at the comments section of a social media site to see what I mean.

To those reading this, I can give you no solution. All I will say this, we need to respect each other's opinion. I may not agree with you but I will respect your opinion. We also need to learn how to argue like grown ups without using slurs, foul language, and bullying. So please keep an open mind when discussing issues.

I'm Colin and these are the ramblings of a guy in his twenties.

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