Monday, December 21, 2015

Happy Holidays

With Christmas right around the corner, I wanted to take a moment and talk about the holidays. Specifically, the argument I've seen on social media about whether you should greet people with "merry Christmas" or "happy holidays." Personally, I think it's better to go with "happy holidays" if you don't know what the person's religion is. After all, I know that Jewish and Muslim faiths have holidays around this time of the year, and you wouldn't tell someone "merry Christmas" if that person wasn't going to celebrate Christmas. That said, I don't think people should get offended if someone wishes you a "merry Christmas" even if you aren't Christian or won't be celebrating Christmas. Just wish them "happy holidays" and move on with your day. It is not worth getting upset with a stranger about it because they don't know you or your beliefs, and they are just trying to be friendly. Now if you are wearing something that proclaims that you are of another faith and you are wished a "merry Christmas," you have the right to be annoyed, but I still don't think you should make a big scene.

I know that the United States has the largest Christian population in the world but that does not mean we are a Christian nation. The first amendment of our Constitution gives American citizens freedom of religion, which means people can practice any religion they choose. Constitution does not state that the United States is a Christian nation. We may call this time of year the Christmas season because of the massive Christian population in our country or quite possibly, (and this is the cynic in me talking) because Christmas is the most marketable. However I see no reason why we should ignore other holidays by just wishing people "merry Christmas." "Happy holidays" covers all holidays  that are celebrated this time of the year, including Christmas.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the time of peace, love, and good will toward others; where people should come together not push each other away. We should be kind to strangers, give to those who need a bit of charity, and tell those who are close to our hearts how much they mean to us. Be the best person you can be, especially around this time of the year.

I'm Colin and these are the ramblings of a guy in his twenties. Happy holidays everybody.

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