Fun fact everyone, when I was growing up my mother originally didn't want my brother and me to watch Power Rangers because she thought it was too violent. While she eventually changed her mind about a year later, my brother and I watched another show made by the Saban Entertainment, Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog. Mystic Knights is essentially power rangers in medieval Ireland and instead of having rangers based off of colors, we got knights with the powers of the four basic elements. The show came out in 1998, I was five years old, and only lasted one season. This show help create my love of the fantasy genre, and is a huge part of my childhood.
The premise of the show is very similar to Power Rangers, a group of knights must protect their kingdom called Kells from the evil witch queen of Temra who often sends monster to destroy them. The knights are Rohan, (yes that is also a name of a kingdom in Lord of the Rings,) the Mystic Knight of Fire, Princess Deirdre of Kells, the Mystic Knight of Air, Ivar, a prince from some unnamed African kingdom, Mystic Knight of Water, and the comedic thief Angus, Mystic Knight of Earth. The knights' allies in the fight against evil are fairies, druids, and a dragon who serves as their zord. The Mystic Knights spend the season foiling the evil Queen Maeve's attempts to conquer Kells. They even get another Mystic Knight similar to Power Rangers getting another ranger, Prince Garrett of Reged the Mystic Knight of Forest.
Rohan was the Mystic Knight of Fire and essentially filled the role of the Red Ranger. Raised by the druid Cathbad, Rohan carried a magical sword that shot fireballs. Rohan would change into his mystic armor by holding up his weapon and shouting "Fire within me!" and could even summon a dragon to help them out. Due to the fact Rohan was the show's Red Ranger, Rohan was more or less the star of the show. He got an upgrade for his armor, found out he was the prophesied warrior that would peace to the land. Rohan was also the son of the malicious Queen Maeve and had a demonic half brother named Lugad. Overall, Rohan was brave and noble leader of the knights
Next is Deirdre, the princess of Kells. Dierdre is a badass, capable of kicking butt on the battlefield and playing the harp for the court of Kells. She was the Mystic Knight of Air, got her armor by shouting "Air above me!" and had a crossbows that shot out little tornados. Deirdre was a logical, straight talker who often times had to play the straight man (or in this case woman) to her fellow knights. While she did sometimes get in arguments with father, King Conchobar for not being the pretty princess type, Dierdre was in my opinion one of the best role models for girls. She could wear a dress and be feminine, but also hang with the boys and fight evil.
Ivar was the Mystic Knight of Water yet had a magic trident that shot out electricity. Ivar was from far off kingdom who was searching for the thief, Queen Maeve's general Torc, who stole his kingdom's sacred chalice. Ivar's story line was finding his chalice and got his armor by shouting "Water around me!"
Angus was the show's comic relief and the Mystic Knight of Earth. He had a flail that caused earthquakes and transformed into a Mystic Knight by shouting "Earth beneath me!" Angus was the childhood friend of Rohan and was always getting into trouble.
Finally the last Mystic Knight is Garret, prince of Reged. As the knight of forest he had two axes, transformed into his armor by shouting "Forest before me!", and could communicate with animals looking them in the eyes. To be honest, I thought Garret was lame when I was five and I still do. Garret was a jerk with lame powers. He left at some point in the series but came back in time for the finale.
The supporting characters were King Conchobar of Kells, Deirdre's father, and his advisor Cathbad, a druid and father-figure/mentor of Rohan. We also had Fin Varra, the Fairy King and Zordon-like character, and Aideen, a sprite that filled Alpha's role in the show. The villains were Queen Maeve, her general Torc, the evil fairy Mider, and the monstrous yet sympathetic Lugad. I remember Maeve being a competent villain who wasn't always screaming about having a headache like Rita Repulsa.
Overall, I remember the series being just as good as Power Rangers. I liked the fact that the knights didn't hide their identity from anyone, and the fact that both the kingdom of Kells and the kingdom of Temera had armies that often fought each other. This was different kind of` Power Rangers where the police and/or national guard were never present when a monster attacked. At least in the Avengers, the police were trying to get civilians out. Sadly, the show only lasted one season despite there being plans for a second season. Why you may ask, well basically Power Rangers was more popular. Most people I've talk to never hear of Mystic Knights so it makes sense why Saban didn't continue the series. Power Rangers were making them more money, so use the budget from Mystic Knights to make Power Rangers a better show.
Despite that, I remember my brother, my cousins and I watched this Mystic Knights all the time and pretended to be the Mystic Knights. Unfortunately, the show isn't on Blu-Ray, though the first four or five episodes are on VHS. You might find a couple of episodes on YouTube but in bad quality. I hope that one day the show will be released again so I can find out if it still holds up.
I'm Colin and these are the ramblings of a guy in his twenties.
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