The two main characters of the show are Cornelius Fillmore and Ingrid Third. Fillmore is reformed delinquent who after being "arrested" by Wayne Liggit who turned Fillmore's life around. Fillmore is your serious, sunglass wearing hero cop who will do just about anything to get his man. Ingrid is a certified genius, (and yet she's attending a public middle school), and has a photographic memory that often helps her and Filmore solve cases. Other characters are Junior Commissioner Horatio Vallejo who is your stereotypical police chief/captain. Basically, every episode has Vallejo tearing his hair out because of all the collateral damage Fillmore causes to school property and stating that if Fillmore and Third weren't so good at their jobs, he would have their badges. The other Safety Patrol officers Karen Tehama, Joseph Anza, and Danny O'Farrell. While Tehama and Anza are background characters, O'Farrell is the crime scene photographer and comic relief. Finally, you got Principal Folsom, who is a cross between a police drama's district attorney and the mayor character. What Folsom does is threaten the Safety Patrol that if they don't solve the episode's case, she'll close them down.
The show takes place in the fictional X Middle School, which is about the size of a major university. Seriously, how can much money does this school have? The clubs this school has are endless, such as fashion club, yacht club, book club, farm club, dog lovers club just to name a few. It even has it's own tv news channel. On top of all that, it has none of the traditional sports teams a regular middle school has.The middle school I went to had basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, and track teams. X Middle School has teams like badminton or bocce ball teams, I mean who plays bocce ball?!
Now there are a total number of episodes were 26, and here are some of my favorites.
- "Red Robins Don't Fly": So a local Girl Scoutesque group called the Red Robins is basically X Middle School's version of the mafia. They use mafia like techniques in order to sell their candy. (Insert Girl Scouts selling cookies joke right here.) Ingrid, who lately feels like she doesn't fit in, goes undercover to take down the Red Robins. However, Vallejo worries that Ingrid will be seduced by the Red Robins lifestyle.
- "Two Wheels, Full Throttle, and No Brakes": The kids in Shop Club are stealing scooters to sell to an unknown buyer. Fillmore and Ingrid go undercover to stop them, but a kid named Derek Minna who refers to himself in the third person, (jerk), has created a "task force" to stop the thefts. So the Safety Patrol and B.A.G.A.S.T. (Boys And Girls Against Scooter Theft) are competing to taking down the scooter theft ring.
- "South of Friendship, North of Honor": Fillmore goes to Tennessee to visit his old partner Wyatt, but finds out the Safety Patrol here is led by a corrupt Patrol Sherrif. (Seriously? A Patrol Sherrif?) So Fillmore and Wyatt try to take the sheriff down but it turns out the sheriff is the son of the school's principal.
- "The Nineteenth Hole is a Shallow Grave": So a geek is trying to rig a big mini-golf tournament. Fillmore needs to go undercover to stop him but playing mini-golf reminds Fillmore of what a total jerk he used to be before he joined the Safety Patrol.
- "A Dark Score Evened": So bullies at X Middle School are being targetted by a vigilante. Fillmore knows he has to stop the vigilante but doesn't really want to because the victims are bullies.
So what are my overall thoughts on the series? The is silly without a doubt, but I love how it takes itself so seriously. Every crime is treated like a detective would treat a homicide or a bank robbery. While the show does teach a lesson with each episode, it doesn't feel like it was ram down your throat like other episodes. I definitely say it is a great watch if you a willing to have fun with it.
I'm Colin, and these are the ramblings of a guy in his twenties.