Sunday, August 14, 2016

A Quick Update on Me

So here is a quick update on how my life is going so far. Well, I'm working as a reviewer at Solix in Charleston, IL. What I do is I look at applications for participation in a government program and see if people have dotted their i's and crossed their t's. I have the afternoon shift, which means that my mornings are free. It's a good job, hopefully, it will give me job experience. You know, that thing employers want at least a year of.

Had a nice little visit from my brother, Ryan. He's attending Purdue, going to be a senior and majoring in BioEngineering, much to the disappointment of my father who was hoping Ryan could build him an Ironman suit. I can't tell you a lot of what my brother is doing because quite frankly you need to have a degree in biology to have an idea of what he's talking about. I kind of understand, it was hard to talk about what I was doing when I was a senior in college as well. Hard to really explain a paper you're writing if you haven't read it yet or read what it is about. Anyway, Ryan and I had a short visit because I had a little thing called a job which took up much of my time. We did go see the new Star Trek movie. We both enjoyed it, I felt it was very fun like the original television show was. We both highly recommend people go see it, though I wouldn't be surprised if most people have already seen it.

I'm planning on taking an online business course this fall through the local community college. I think it will help bolster up my resume and help my future. Going to try and continue this blog. Which by the way, someone commented on for the first time, which pleased me. It was on my last blog post,  "The Loss of a Pet". I do hope people will comment on my blog posts, be it on this one, past posts, or future ones.

I'm Colin, and these are the ramblings of a guy in my twenties.